
Notes to Self #13

 Notes to Self:

1. So what?  Your Dentist told you he wouldn't work on your mouth until you sought counseling for your dentist-office-anxiety. I'm sure this happens to 7% - I mean - 47%-  of all patients?  Maybe the hypnotherapist he recommended could be a good thing.  They might also help you like zucchini and reduce the need for your nightguard.

2. The next time you decide to purchase a powdered mushroom beverage, be sure to consume within the year so you aren't faced with sipping a mug of hot water with large turd-like pebbles floating in it. 

3. Jury duty might be interesting. No matter that your "excuse" for getting out of jury duty was rejected by a clearly very uncompassionate Seattle Judge. $15/day is still $15! 

Love, Me

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