
How I Feel about Squash In Winter Time

 It always feels like a good idea to buy squash. It's seasonal, stays for a while outside the fridge and is incredibly nutritious.  And then it comes time to figure out what to do with these petrified cultivars. They are rock hard, unyielding, take time to cook and contain a shocking quantity of seeds embedded in their squashy fascia which requires extensive dissembling.  This ain't something you can just bite into like a carrot out of your shopping bag. It takes preparation, thought and creativity.

I want to feel accomplished when it comes to being a wise squash woman but somehow I always fall short despite my best intentions.  I'm too impatient to bake it, my wrists are too weak to hack into it, and I'm too frozen to think easily of a flawless yet effortless recipe.  So I stare at it and think about cooking it. It makes a lovely center piece and dancing partner.