My next flu will be so much better than this one. It will be fun and have a sense of humor and come
with confetti and wind chimes. I will have a
robot for a tea pot which I can remotely access and turn off and on to
create tea without having to get out of bed or call my husband, and by “ call”,
I mean scrounge up enough energy in my vocal cords to meekly warble “Keith”
into the air.
My next flu I won’t be wearing the same
sweater and socks for four days that I have sweat through but am too weary and
apathetic to change. I’ll have a stylish flu clothing collection that includes bright and close fitting turtle
necks and hoodies, Burberry half scarves and polka dotted t-shirts over thick,
chewy, oatmeal colored, Calvin Klein long underwear. These will be laid out on a wooden bench near
the bed, at the ready for when sweat, germs, or just sheer clothing malaise,
makes it impossible to wear my current flu outfit any longer.
next flu I will look fetching in my plaid flu vest and matching pajama bottoms as
I lumber from the bed to the kitchen to retrieve my array of dazzling herbal supplements.
And my husband won’t be able to resist touching me as I snivel past him on my
way to the bathroom, which will of course be newly painted a cheery bright blue
and emanate scents of lavender oil bath salts from baths which will be
magically drawn for me each time the thought of hot water crosses my mind.
He’ll embrace me warmly, glide the back of his hand across my fever flushed
face instead of scampering across the room, like a frightened rodent to avoid
any potential contamination.
next flu will happen on the days when all my favorite radio shows on NPR are
playing, so I don’t have to listen to Garrison Keillor twice or the Car Guys,
but can just switch on the dial confidently knowing that interesting and
insightful stories from Ira Glass and Eleanor Beardsley in Paris are about to
brush gently against my ear sockets.
next flu, all those articles from Vanity Fair and Mother Jones which I’ve been
meaning to read and claim there is never enough time to do so, will be piled up
and ready, carefully earmarked, so I don’t have to think and remember anything
difficult, when brain space is limited but ample time, horizontal bed space and
heightened boredom is available to me.
next flu I will possess a working thermometer instead of the one I’ve been
using which I bought the last time I had the flu in 2003 from a cheap drugstore
in NYC and which continually tells me that my temperature is either 96.5 or
100.3 depending on which side of my tongue I put it under. No, this new thermometer will accurately read
my fever, and it will taste like gumdrops.
next flu will have a name, like the hurricanes, except it will be much cuter,
like Sasha or Linnea, and I can call it “Sash” or “Linny” for short during my
perkier moments.
next flu will have an Evite to celebrate its departure, which of course will be
imminent after its arrival since this flu will last only 2 days instead of
5. The Evite will go out two weeks in
advance so people know to come to my house the day after the flu leaves to
prevent any germ spread and to replenish the supply of corn lemongrass soup,
eggs and sweet potatoes which I have been living on for 96 hours.
My next flu will be so great, that we’ll keep
in touch- like pen pals. I’ll write and
ask who else it has infected and it’ll write back and tell tales of its latest
Flu-ee and how much fun they’ve had together – learning about one another,
laughing, playing scrabble, until it’s time to travel on to the next lucky
ReplyDeleteI hope neither Sasha nor Linnea ever arrives, dear Mary, but if she does, I hope that your thermometer will taste not like gumdrops but like kale. It would serve you right! Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteWow, Mary! This is so very much like the flu I just dismissed: I'd opted for the detachable version - far superior to the more traditional model. I was able to unzip my flu and leave it in the apartment while I waltzed across the street to replenish my supply of San Pellegrino, raspberries and caramel gelato. As good as it was, I've already downloaded the new Apple-a-day app for my smart phone. Called iFlu, the online model allows you and your friends to monitor every flu development and still keep up with the third season of Downton Abbey or watch reruns of The Real Housewives of Akron! The Wall Street Journal wrote that the best feature of iFlu is its fast-forward feature - you can be done with the infection in less than 30 seconds if you wish. I'm going to do it a 40MB/second, so that I can at least "suffer" long enough to watch one complete episode of Modern Family. With iFlu the entire graphics array is attractive, and it fits neatly into the palm of your hand or the pocket of your Armani jacket. One caveat: don't mess with the default settings. There's an option that changes the flu symptoms and I swear it's like having bubonic plague or dengue fever, although it's over in minutes. Of course if you're really not at all techno-proficient things could take a turn for the worse, but at least there's iCasket, which is gorgeous in white as well as many other stunning colors - plus titanium! It's no longer just a cold - it's a cool!
ReplyDeleteso glad we shared this flu.